[Dualiza BANKIA] guidance in vocational education and training in Andalusia: diagnosis, challenges and proposals

Project Manager: Soledad Romero Rodríguez

Type: Contrato 68/83

Reference: 3650/0399/

Start Date: 26-07-2019

End Date: 25-03-2020

Funding Organization: Dualiza Bankia

Promoting Organizations:

  • Consejería de Educación y Deporte (Junta de Andalucía).
  • Dualiza Bankia

The Team:

  • Soledad Romero Rodríguez (responsable)
  • Eduardo García Jiménez
  • Virginia Guichot Reina
  • Tania María Mateos Blanco
  • Celia Moreno Morilla

The project sought to analyze the current state of professional guidance in the context of Andalusian Vocational Training, as well as to identify possible initiatives that could favor the students’ construction of their own professional and life projects within the framework of an integrated system. Specifically, the goals were:

  1. To carry out a diagnosis of the situation of professional guidance within the framework of Vocational Training;
  2. To establish a collaborative process for the development of proposals to improve professional guidance in Andalusia, and
  3. To elaborate an efficient process that would allow different groups of interest to test and contrast said proposals: professionals of educational and employment guidance, VET teachers, FOL teachers, VET advisory staff, students, families, business sector, third sector, training managers of counselors and VET teachers.

A mixed methodology was used, involving an office study and a collaborative research process. Data from the Seneca Information System of the Junta de Andalucía regarding all the students enrolled in the Andalusian Vocational Training Program (FPA) between 2011 and 2019 was analyzed, and other documents, reports and programs developed by official bodies of the Eruopean Union, the Spanish Government and the Junta de Andalucía were also factored in. The collaborative research process was articulated through the creation of a motor group and a panel of experts. Through this process, the orientation situation in the FPA was analyzed, synthesizing the results into SWOT matrices. This allowed the team to identify the challenges in the current guidance system in the FPA, and design actions to respond to them. This process involved all the groups (stakeholders) that play a role in the FPA guidance system (technical staff of the educational and employment administrations, FPA teachers, education and labor orientation professionals, business representatives, guidance professionals (Universities), and families and students).

The program was designed in collaboration with researchers, counselors, FP teachers, FOL teachers, etc., and was based on their needs and with an open approach and a 'bank' or 'file' of activities per each thematic module. This allows whoever is applying it to freely select the activities to be developed for each module and in each situation.

The program took on an orientation approach characterized by being:

  • Educational: through an experiential and existential learning methodology that is facilitated through reflection on the exploration process itself, of self-construction in interaction with its context, with the systems to which it belongs, in the time and space.
  • Systemic: helping students to build new meanings of their circumstances, their relationship with the systems to which they belong (family, school ...) and their way of taking their rightful place within them.
  • Narrative: facilitating, through the narratives created by the students themselves from their subjective experience, the understanding of the vital patterns on which their own life, academic and professional trajectory rests.
  • Constructivist: consideration that the students themselves can build their own life, academic and professional trajectory, granting significance to the relationship between their past experiences, their present and their future.
  • Phenomenological: in the orientation process what is truly significant are the ideas, feelings, emotions, internal motivations, in short, the forces that move people from the depths of their being. The facts are analyzed from the perspective of the person who experiences them.

The target groups were students with different levels of training, depending on their specific needs. The activities were designed taking into account their needs and their questioning of what professions or professional areas / families they want to focus their training on; how they can complete their professional training; and how to cope with the process of transition to the world of work and the development of employability.

The activities were aimed at students from:

  • Second Cycle of Compulsory Secondary Education.
  • FPB.
  • Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio y Superior.
  • Bachillerato / High School

27 centers participated in the program, with a total of 4,423 students from the three levels of Vocational Training and 368 Secondary, Vocational Training teachers and counselors.

The pilot evaluation of the program was carried out in two Institutes of Secondary Education and FP, and also in a Comprehensive Vocational Training Center.

Overall, 9 challenges were identified, and 28 strategic objectives and 57 actions were formulated. The full report can be consulted in: Romero-Rodríguez, S. et al. (2020). La Orientación en la Formación Profesional Andaluza: Diagnóstico, retos y propuestas. Fundación Bankia por la Formación Dual.

Project Infographics available at:

And the executive summary:

Other materials:

Orient@cual Platform (

  • Program of activities organized by competitions.
  • Complete program download available.
  • Tools and instruments for evaluating needs and the program itself.
  • Examples of good career guidance practices.