Lecture: Study on Orientation in Andalusian Vocational Training: diagnosis, challenges and proposals. – Soledad Romero Rodríguez
This presentation provided information on the Professional guidance in Andalusia: situation and proposals for action in vocational training project..
The project sought to analyze the current state of professional guidance in the context of Andalusian Vocational Training, as well as to identify possible initiatives that could favor the students’ construction of their own professional and life projects within the framework of an integrated system, as well as to design possible initiatives that might help the recipients of this vocational training to build their own professional and life projects.
It was based on the concept of professional orientation, which can be summarized in the collaborative process of learning skills and managing personal life throughout life.
The goal was to favor the co-creation of systems and integrated proposals for guidance in Vocational Training that could be developed, through the implementation of workspaces where researchers, politicians, and practitioners all had an equitable participation in all phases of the research.
A framework of procedures for the coordination and management of integrated guidance actions was created:
- Analysis units: negotiation process with the main group (co-researchers). Their commitment was a key element to guarantee the development of the remaining phases.
- Iterative SWOT: tool to visually systematize the information and evaluations of the co-researchers.
- Co-production and co-analysis process with Design Thinking: valid technique for innovation and creativity, in addition to providing solutions oriented to the specific context of orientation in the FPA.
- Contrast sessions: designed to give a voice to those who perform functions more directly related to the practice and its recipients. It facilitated triangulation and sensitization of the different participating groups as active agents.
In turn, the key elements to develop an integrated career guidance system are:
- Integrated system
- Development of competencies / career management throughout life / curricular integration
- Highly qualified staff
- Experimental methodologies and teaching resources – use of ICT
- Involvement of businesses
- Quality guaranteeing systems
- Equity and social justice perspective
- Gender perspective
Thus, the challenges that the project set out to solve were the following:
- 1st Challenge: Integrating Guidance planning into the school curriculum.
- 2nd Challenge: Developing of the existing integrated information and career guidance system.
- 3rd Challenge: Keeping track of the success of Vocational Training students.
- 4th Challenge: Improving knowledge and awareness of VT.
- 5th Challenge: Evaluating the adequacy of academic planning and organization of Vocational Training.
- 6th Challenge: Evaluating the adequacy of the training and selection that career guidance agents undergo.
- 7th Challenge: Developing innovative information and career guidance methodologies and resources.
- 8th Challenge: Developing specific quality assurance systems for career guidance.
- 9th Challenge: strengthening the involvement of companies in the career guidance process.
The full presentation is available (in Spanish) at:
The recording is also available: