[Anuncio] Próximo Seminario «Children, Technology and play from posthuman and neomaterialism inquiry» (07 y 08/03/2022)

[Announcement] Upcoming Seminar “Children, Technology and play from posthuman and neomaterialism inquiry” (07 and 08/03/2022)

Next Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th the seminar Children, Technology and play from posthuman and neomaterialism inquirywill be held from 10.00 to 13.00, taught by Karin Murris, from the University of Oulu in Finland. The meeting will take place in room 4.5 of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Seville both days.

The seminar will cover her book Literacies, Literature, and Learning: Reading Classrooms Differently, which addresses pressing questions in literacy education such as the poor quality of many children's experiences as readers, the routine disregard for their thinking, and the demeaning impact of measuring and comparing limited skills. This book and seminar seek to go beyond social, psychological, and scientific categories that focus on individualistic and linear notions of the knowing subject; of progress and development; and of the child as less than fully human, adopting a posthumanist framework to explore new perspectives for teaching, learning, and research.

Authors from various disciplines and continents have collaborated to question the colonizing characteristics of humanism and imagine a different, fairer reading of a literacy classroom. De/colonization issues are addressed through the exploration of educational and research practices that seek to decenter the human and include the more than human. Drawing inspiration from an example of high-quality children's literature and playful philosophical teaching, the authors show how the chapters diffract each other, thus opening up radical possibilities for a different approach to childhood.

The book and seminar hope to help transform relationships between adults and children in schools and universities.

The seminar is organized by the LITERACIES research group as part of the MATILDA project.

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