Literacy for a social change: an approach from the new literacy studies

Published the book La alfabetización para un cambio social: un enfoque desde los nuevos estudios de literacidad. Edited by Eduardo García-Jiménez and Fernando Guzmán-Simón, available at Octaedro publishing house. This book proposes an approach to literacy from the paradigm of the New Literacy Studies. This perspective brings us closer to ...

II SEA, next appointment: 01/22, Fernando Guzmán Simón, «Space and time in literacy: an analysis of the socio-cultural values of semiotic codes»

The third session of the II Seminar on Literacy Evaluation Popular culture and learning styles in the 21st century will be a talk by Professor Fernando Guzmán Simón and will have as its backbone the title "Space and time in literacy: an analysis of the socio-cultural values of literacy codes", which will be presented by ...

II SEA – Eduardo García Jiménez, «The study of Literacy through an ethnographic methodology: a participative perspective»

The II Seminar on Literacy Evaluation - Popular culture and learning styles in the 21st century had its second session yesterday with Professor Eduardo García Jiménez, with his talk "The study of literacy from an ethnographic methodology: a participatory perspective". Next appointment, ...

The APErtURA project in Ocnos

Published in Ocnos: Journal of Reading Studies (vol. 17, no. 3 (2018)) the article "Literacy as a social practice in Early Childhood Education: A case study in areas at risk of social exclusion" by Eduardo García-Jiménez, Fernando Guzmán-Simón, Celia Moreno-Morilla. The APErtURA project is spreading... congratulations! DOI: Download:
