Article: «‘Like, I’m playing, but with this’. Materialization and affect in early childhood literacy», by Fernando Guzmán Simón and Alejandra Pacheco Costa

Now available in the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, Vol. 0(0) 1–25 is the article ‘Like, I’m playing, but with this’. Materialization and affect in early childhood literacy, written by Fernando Guzmán Simón and Alejandra Pacheco Costa, members of the Literacies research group.

Seminar Archive «Investigating Fandom and Multimodality to Learn Languages» (01/02/2022)

Taught on February 1 by Daniel Cassany, the doctoral seminar "Investigating Fandom and Multimodality to Learn Languages" reviewed some of the recent research coordinated by the speaker (GRAEL, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) on language learning in informal contexts (watching series, listening to music, playing video games, etc; Defandom, informative Defandom, ICUDEL)

Seminar Archive «Post Philosophies and the Doing of Inquiry in Literacies Education» (25/01/2022)

En este seminario, la Dra. Kuby analizó cómo las post filosofías han inspirado sus prácticas pedagógicas con niños. La Dra. Kuby lleva desde 2010 investigando en sus aulas de preescolar (1º, 2º y 5º grado, sistema británico) en colaboración con la maestra Tara Gutshall Rucker. Juntas conceptualizaron el deseo de …

[Announcement] Upcoming Seminar “Investigating Fandom and Multimodality to Learn Languages” (02/01/2022)

On February 1st the doctoral seminar Investigating Fandom and Multimodality to Learn Languageswill take place, taught by Daniel Cassany from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in classroom 2.8. of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Seville.

[Announcement/Inscription] Upcoming Seminar “Post Philosophies and the Doing of Inquiry in Literacies Education” (01/25/2022)

The doctoral seminar will take place on the 25th of this month, taught by Dr. Candace R. Kuby from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. It will be held online through the following link:

Seminar «How to write a vignette in neomaterialist/posthumanist/postqualitative research…» (28/10/2021)

The seminar "How to write a vignette in neomaterialist/posthumanist/postqualitative research…" took place on October 28, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. It was taught by Alejandra Pacheco Costa, member of the Literacies research group (HUM1044).

European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021) - New Literacy Studies and gender: a Systematic Review

The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) took place from the 6th to the 10th of September 2021 in Genova, with online attendance also available. Elena Guichot-Muñoz and Ana María De la Calle, members of the Literacies research group, presented...

European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021) - Career Guidance in VET in Andalusia (Spain): A Collaborative Research on Challenges and Proposals

The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) took place from the 6th to the 10th of September 2021 in Genova, with online attendance also available. Soledad Romero-Rodríguez, Celia Moreno-Morilla, Tania Mateos-Blanco and Eduardo García-Jiménez, members of the Literacies research group, presented...

PoeTICS: a didactic proposal by the ABLA (LBAL, Learning Based on Artistic Languages) project

New didactic proposal of the ABLA project (Learning Based on Artistic Languages), summarized in the video Poetics: a didactic proposal of the ABLA project, available at the following link:
